Friday, May 29, 2009

Are There Angels Around Us?

I have always believed in Angels; however, I had never called for their help the way I did in September 2008. My dear cat had snuck swiftly out the front door and around the house into the backyard unknown to me. Just minutes before I had kissed him while he lay on my bed upstairs getting ready for his after breakfast nap, telling him I would see him in a few days and that our friends, whom he loved dearly, were coming over to take care of him.

Upon my return home three days later, he was nowhere to be found. In a state of panic my husband and I looked everywhere, calling out his name around the block, hoping he'd hear us and come running. This was the beginning of one whole month of emotional trauma as I had never experienced before. My baby was missing and, hardly sleeping at night, we looked night and day for him, putting up posters for a radius of half a mile from our house. Calls came in at all hours of the night and day from people who thought they saw him, prompting us to go walking or driving in response to all calls. No leads brought us any closer to finding him.

I prayed, cried, tried to meditate, spoke to God night and day, called upon my teachers, chanted mantras, used affirmations....I became exhausted. Then one night, even with the television on, my husband thought he heard our kitty. Impossible, I thought, for I listened and heard nothing, yet he insisted it was the cat. Rushing out the back door, at 12:30 a.m. we saw him over the fence at the neighbor's yard. He was hurt and was crying.

Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks--my baby was back! My husband jumped over the fence hoping to catch him and hand him over to me. Momentarily stunned and scared, he scampered away so quickly on three legs, with a visibly injured one held up as he ran. All our calling and waiting turned out to be in vain that night.

Crying myself to sleep, I did so only with the hope that at sunrise maybe he'd find his way back again. One week later and no kitty. I started to call upon the Angels, asking for help. I said to them, "Not for me, but for my kitty's sake please lift him over the fence into our yard as without your help he'll surely die, since he's injured and has lost a lot of weight." I petitioned with this prayer everyday, especially at nighttime, visualizing him being held and brought over the fence to the backyard, while continuing to look for him and following any leads from dozens of calls each day and night from concerned folks that thought they might've seen him.

Then, one morning at 6:30 a.m., there he was--crying at the backdoor of our house! That was the happiest day of my life! No event could've topped that one. No feeling of joy could've surpassed it. Thanking the Angels, I can declare to the world that they are real, they are there ready and willing to assist us--we have only to call upon them while trusting implicitly.

Blinken endured three surgeries, the last of which he lost his left front leg (all within four months). It was emotionally and physically painful for everyone, but especially for him. A most active and playful cat, he spent those four months in a cage in order to recuperate and gain his strength back. His doctor marvelled at his resilience for someone who'd lost almost half of his weight, and commented that another two weeks or less, Blinken would've gone to kitty 'heaven.'

Throughout his sojourn in cages both at home and at the veterinary hospital, I continued to visualize the Angels holding him and sending their healing light to him. While visiting him at the hospital, I would silently pray to them to send their light to the other sick animals and watched with amazement as one very ill newborn, being kept in an incubator, suddenly overnight gained miraculous strength, venturing for the first time to eat anything solid. The doctor commented that it was a miracle. I smiled and replied, "It has all been a miracle. There are Angels amongst us who do hear our prayers!" A spiritual man himself, he replied, "Yes they do."

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